Thursday 22 January 2009

One week in and so much more to do!

So now its Saturday afternoon! And let me tell you, it just keeps getting better! We spent tuesday night watching the inaguration at a group of students from Nigeria's apartment. It was very interesting to hear their views on Obama and they were all very excited. After that, they took us to a bar in the old city where we played pool for hours. It was very fun and we even managed to go to bed before 3 . . . I think.

Oh and probably the highlight of the night was when we were waiting for Ousman (one of our Nigerian friends) to pick us up. We played with one of the hundreds of cats that roam the streets. It made me so happy!

Wednesday, we have some more orientation presentations in the morning that were alright and we even had a Greek cooking class that was delicious. After that we spent the afternoon cleaning our casa because apparently we live like pigs.

At four we had a scavenger hunt starting on our campus here and ending at an adorable cafe in downtown. Our group wasn't too successful but it helped us find alot of things to know for the future. Once we finished the hunt me and Kel had dinner with some of new friends. It was delicious. Once our early evening had commenced, it was time to get ready for our continous late nights.

We ended going up to this small club with our friends from Spain for an international party which was alot of fun. We drank and danced and closed the place down around 3. I'm pretty sure we would have stayed all night if they didn't make us leave.

The following day, which I guess would be Thursday, we got up early to go to the group organized trip to the Cyprus Archaeological Museum. There are thousands of artifacts recovered from over 8,000 years ago to when the Byzantine Empire ruled Cyprus. Not all of the artifacts can be kept at the museum though because its located so close to the Green Line (the line that separates the Greek south from the Turkish north) that if another invasion was to occur, it could all be lost.

Regardless of the fact that I was enhuasted from our never ending long days, I opted to play basketball with some neighbors rather than nap. We convientantly have a basketball hoop on the side of our apartment building and the kids downstairs invested in purchasing a ball. Let's just say I haven't lost my touch, I came in second in Horse out of about a dozen people. It felt great to be outside in the late afternoon. Oh and other great news is, our friend Anwar, has a bicycle which I invited myself to use and ride around of area. Its also great to see that as the weather continues to get warmer and the days get longer, were going to spend so much time outside. I really can't wait.

Later Kel, Anwar, and Me went out to a small cafe and had a great time with some of the people from our GLS group. By the end of the night we were anxious to go bed because we had a long day of mountain traveling ahead of us.

The trip to the Troodos mountains started out as a bust. It was rainy when we got to the top and very cold. We had lunch as a small resturant and luckily the weather slowly improved. We went to another small town that looked like a touristy area with lots of small hotels and resturants that overlook the mountains. It was great to take in the scenery and it is so strange that you can go from sunny beach town to snowy mountain tops in under an hour. The whole country in such a unique place and we are all in an agreeance that its well kept secret. I've yet to get to the Meditteranean Sea but I'm sure we will soon.

On the way back down the mountain we made one more stop at a picturesque town called Omodos that seemed to be centered around this gorgeous church in the middle. Oh and of course I can't forget mentioning that fact that taking a full-scale charter bus down a mountain side on roads that can barely handle a small car is probably not the best idea. It was an adventure but I guess thats what this trip is all about!

We all slept on the way home and since we were too lazy to cook dinner for ourselves, we called ahead and informed Anwar, we would be coming over to his apartment for dinner. I've been trying to very good on this trip and try new things. I must say I'm doing a great job.

After dinner, we came back to get ready to go out for one of the girl in program's birthday.

It was a really great night full of free drinks and entrance fees. The club gave us free champange and cake for Francina's birthday. Our feet were aching and there may have been some dancing barefoot which would explain the late night washing of feet.

Another couple of succesful days here. It's hard to believe we have only been here for a little over a week. So much has already happened its hard to take it.

Well today is Saturday and we've yet to do anything except make two batches of french fries and watch the latest epsiode of the Office but I guess we will see what tonight brings. Love everyone and hope all is welll!

1 comment:

  1. dezzziiiiiiiii!

    i'm so happy for you, you look like you're having so much fun. i can't believe you played with a cat off the streets after all i've taught you. but i love you and miss you so much and i can't wait to have you baaaack =)

    love love love,
    muff <3
